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NC Farm Bureau’s Women’s Leadership Program engages women with the training and education they need to become powerful advocates for today’s agriculture.

The program provides women with leadership training, communication skills, and networking to strengthen their ability to encourage positive change in their communities and in the agricultural industry.

The Women’s Leadership Program is open to any female NC Farm Bureau member interested in supporting Farm Bureau’s policies, initiatives and agriculture.


Meghan Shoaf (Team Leader)

Rachel Ezzell

Taylor Fish

More Info

Why Join?

  • Opportunities to enhance your public speaking skills with real-life scenarios
  • Learn to hone your message delivery
  • Build a network of friends, professionals, and industry leaders
  • Develop a better understanding of the complexities and the challenges of agriculture
  • Educate the community about agriculture and where their food comes from
  • Host and participate in peer-to-peer farm tours
  • Support charities and organizations that are important to you
  • Inspire and educate others by telling the story of agriculture
  • Learn how and when to communicate with your elected officials
  • Initiate and build relationships with elected officials
  • Opportunity to serve in positions that make a difference in policy initiatives
  • Represent agriculture and rural communities in public hearings and forums
  • Meet like-minded individuals who are passionate about agriculture
  • Gain valuable professional and personal contacts
  • Engage in balanced community conversations with different industries
  • Opportunities to connect with every segment of agriculture
  • Engage our youth to help maintain interest in agriculture
  • Share your experiences to help promote agriculture
  • Highlight the role and contribution by women to agriculture
  • Advocate for the importance of agriculture with consumers of all ages


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