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Our Mission:

To promote the importance of agriculture

to all North Carolina teachers and students.

About NC Ag in the Classroom

Ag in the Classroom (AITC) is a unique educational program affiliated with North Carolina Farm Bureau (NCFB). Its inception occurred in 1985 by the approval of the NCFB Board of Directors. Presentations were made across the state in all 100 counties from 1985 -1988 to every school system, the 100 county Farm Bureau Boards of Directors, Governors Jim Hunt and Jim Martin, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, Bob Etheridge to gain approval and support.

The educational program is dedicated to fostering an understanding for the importance of agriculture in North Carolina. Public and private school teachers and their students benefit by AITC’s promotion of the state’s food and fiber production from a raw source to the consumable product. Agriculture continues to be the number one industry in North Carolina; therefore, it is vital that young people acquire an appreciation and valid understanding for its purpose. AITC enables teachers to meet the educational needs of their students through; North Carolina Standard Course of Study-based curricula, workshops for inservice and pre-service teachers, grants, Ag Literacy books, and county Farm Bureau support.

Our educational materials and programs provide a wealth of opportunities for integrating agriculture, food, and fiber resources into the Pre-K-12 classroom. The entire network of NCFB AITC staff, curriculum specialists, and county Farm Bureau volunteers seek to improve student understanding by applying authentic agricultural examples for teaching curriculum in science, math, social studies, and language arts. The program concentrates heavily on the curriculum in grades K-8 so that a foundation is established in the minds of younger children to cultivate an appreciation for Agriculture and for the people involved with its production.

Ag in the Classroom is delivered around the state by practicing teachers who are state-certified and national board qualified. However the existence of this program is carried out by the numerous volunteer hours of the NCFB members from ALL 100 counties.


Heather Willoughby Morton

Quick Links

Ag Stats

North Carolina Agricultural Statistics brings together current and historic data relating to North Carolina agriculture.

National Ag Literacy

We are a nation that has reaped the benefits of a successful agricultural system. This has allowed our society to flourish, engage in leisure activities, and dream about future endeavors.

Ag Literacy Catalog

This curated list features the top recommended resources for each age group aligned to the Pillars of Agricultural Literacy


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