The purpose of the Safety Program is to provide county Farm Bureau’s with farm, home and auto safety resources, program ideas and organizational support to help promote safety and health in agricultural and rural communities.
The network creates open communication channels between Farm Bureau safety and health professionals and volunteers to share resources, programs and initiatives.
Farm Bureaus promote safety and health in agricultural and rural communities to reduce the number of farm work-related injuries and deaths by promoting safe practices and increasing public awareness of the importance of safety and health in agriculture.
County Farm Bureaus use this program to plan and carry out safety programs and activities.
Callie Carson (Team Leader)
Taylor Fish
Luke Beam
Rachel Ezzell
Anne Bosier
Elizabeth Finez
Fatal Vision is a training tool used to vividly demonstrate the concept of impairment and the dangers of impaired driving. The Fatal Vision Goggles distort vision and cause behaviors that mimic behaviors exhibited by someone under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
ROPS Incentive
The Rollover Protective Structure Incentive Program is designed to help offset the cost of installation of factory retrofitted, and dealer installed ROPS, and seat belts on farm tractors owned by North Carolina Farm Bureau members. Approved incentives equal $1,000 per installation and are limited to one per member.